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Bonnie for Bella who has cancer. Post 4/8/17

I was reading over Facebook and saw this: My name is Bella. No one wants to pray for me because I have cancer!
 I responded.  Dear Bella, I don't know you but don't ever think someone won't or doesn't want to pray for you because you have cancer. Yes, Cancer is a serious problem to almost everyone in the world. But, I know my God can do all things, even heal one from cancer!" I have a sister who had cancer and was healed. I have a niece who had cancer and with God's help she beat it. This was 3 years ago. She and her husband now have a beautiful baby girl and my niece runs 8 to 9 miles a day!  Another niece now if fighting this dreadful thing and it looks like she also is winning. So PLEASE don't give up! Give it to God and keep a positive attitude. And give Him thanks for your healing!  I am going to put your name on our church prayer list and we also put the request after the pastor reads it to the church in our church prayer box. Each time we have church we pray over that box and for all the names that are in it, for their healing. God loves you. Don't give up. Pray and tell Him what you want! If you don't know Jesus as your Savior, have a preacher come to see you and lead you through the sinner’s prayer, do it because it is something that will help you! Heaven or Hell is our decision. There is nothing better than the love of God! God bless you!


Expire Date: 
Saturday, April 15, 2017 - 1:00am


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