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How Much Does Your God Love You?

My God created the heavens and the earth and all living things The animals and trees The fish in the seas. He even took dust and made man and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life, and Man became a living soul. After the stars in the sky and all the other things, He said they were good. He then said," let us make man in our image. After all was done and Adam named all the animals God said, "It's not good for man to be alone", and God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from his side and he made a companion for him. He called her woman because she came from man. He named her Eve. God put them in the Garden of  Eden. They had anything they needed. God told Adam not to eat of the tree of Good and Evil, or they would surely die.  He didn't relay the message very well because Eve listened to the lies of the devil who was using the snake to talk to Eve.  The death that died that day was spiritual. They could no longer walk in the Garden with God.  God loved so, he sent them out into the hard world. Adam provided and Eve was the keeper of the house and had the children. With each generation sin became worse and worse. God wanted to destroy all the people, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God told Noah to build an ark and 2 pairs of every kind of unclean animals and 7 pairs of clean animals. Noah built the ark as God said there was coming rain to flood the earth, 120 years it took. He warned the people to get ready to go in the ark when God said it was time. The people laughed and made fun of Noah and his family.  God said it was time and Noah called all to come into the ark of safety. But none would heed the warning. All were killed except those 8 souls in the ark.  I believe it was 40 days it rained.  Everything was destroyed. It took months for the water to subside and things to grow again.  Life began anew. Generation after generation.  The people became so wicked.  Abraham loved God and spared lives as well as many men God had given the law to Moses and a sacrifice each year was to push their sins over for another year. Then in the course of time; God sent His only begotten son, Jesus to fulfill the law and become the eternal sacrifice.  God loved the world that much. Christ was born of a virgin because He was God's only begotten son.  He had to be born and live as any other mad. Yet without sin, Jesus paid the ransom for our sins. He paid a horrible price. He was falsely accused, Beaten beyond recognition, Crowned with thorns on his head.  He took 39 stripes on his back for our healing and bore the penalty of sin because He loved mankind.  Then they hanged him on a rugged cross and he died.  The grave couldn't hold him He arose and on the 50th day was taken into heaven, making intercession for the repentant.  How about you?
Expire Date: 
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 9:30pm


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