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Be Content?

How often we find ourselves wanting something?  I'm not talking about just liking to have something; I'm talking about having that yearning, I got to have it.  Now if it is more of God and his Spirit and things of that sort.  That is good unless we go about doing it in our flesh; that's a no, no.  I'm talking about things that we really don't need or will harm or draw us away from the Lord Jesus.  The devil will dangle things in front of us that look good but will be detrimental to our walk with God.  Hebrews 13:5 -  Let your conversation be without covetousness;   and be content with such things as you have:   for He hath said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.  I'm in a place in my life where the devil really tries to tell me that I need this, or your through, or something like that.  But, I know and am learning that this is just like the eagle in his time restoration and like Paul in the desert, When Barnabus came to get him and help him in the church he was sent to pastor.  I'm  not Paul, but I do have a work still to fulfill in my life.  God called me when I was a child and showed me many things that have not come to pass, yet.  I get to talking to people and  I realize all the miracles God has done in my life.  It is so precious I'm so thankful that the creator of all things has chosen me to do something for him.  In the natural, I would feel so unworthy, but If Jesus is in us, He makes us worthy.  So when the devil tells you that; tell him to stick this in his pipe and smoke it, for we are worthy because Jesus makes us worthy.  Philippians 4: 13 says that I can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengthens me.  Let us go back to Hebrews 13  Jesus is with us in every situation in our lives.  Even when we feel so alone, we have Jesus there working on our behalf.  v.  6- So that we may boldly say, the Lord is our helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.  V.  -7 says remembering those who were before us who have spoken the word of God, the end of their conversation.  v.  8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever.   We have the promises that they spoke of:  how he always there and never left them or forsook them.  From verse 9 on it says to not be carried away with divers and strange doctrines but be established with grace, of the Lord.  I praise God for He is so faithful.  1 Timothy 6:6 - Godliness with contentment is great, gain.  It goes on to say those who seek riches have great temptation, the love of money is the root of all evil, but thou, o man of God, fight the good fight of faith.  Lay hold on eternal life.  They pierce themselves with great sorrows.  Then  3 John 2- Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper or be in health, even as thy soul prospers.  Our spiritual life is the most important.  Philippians 4:19 My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.  Why should we worry or fret?  God is always in control.  Give him the honor due to him.  Genna
Expire Date: 
Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 3:00pm


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