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Request from Julie Howard for those in wreck " Prayer."

Julie Howard; Prayers please! On the way to church this morning, right in front of me on 3 lane interstate- there was a bad wreck. It ended up being a passenger bus, a black suv-with kids in the back, and a white pickup with front and back seats. The truck is the one I stopped at as it was the furthest away. There was a lady, her husband and 3 children. The lady was hurt I don't know how badly. The kids didn't seem to be hurt but I was praying when the fear wears off they don't find any injury's--I know from experience that some of the worse injuries you find later. Anyway, it was a bad scene and I ask that all who read this, pray for all that was involved in this accident. Only by the grace of GOD it wasn't me. It happened right in front of my car. I kept thinking while I was talking to the lady to keep her calm--this mother’s day is going to be bad for her. Then I thought but she is still here so it’s not going to be what it could be for her kids.... prayers please.

Expire Date: 
Monday, May 22, 2017 - 3:00pm


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