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Covert Travel-Open Teaching

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 7:1

Story Summary: 

Jesus' brothers did not believe in Him. They told Him he needed to go openly to Jerusalem and urged Him to show Himself to the world by the works He did. Jesus' response was that His time had not yet come. He further stated that the world hated him because He testified that it's works were evil. He sent His family members on to Jerusalem to attend the feast of tabernacles. He secretly went to the feast at a later time than His family. Once He got there, He taught openly in the synagogue and challenged the ruling authorities over their desire to kill Him because He told a man to pick up his bed and walk.  He reminded them that they had no problem in keeping Moses' Law about circumcision on the Sabbath. He asked them why they were trying to kill Him. What about you? Are you so committed to Jesus that you will stand for His truth no matter the circumstance or where you are? As His bride (church), we need to stand for Him and His ways. I hope to see you in Sunday School.       

Date of Class: 
Sunday, May 28, 2017


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