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The greatest example of a father is Father God.  Since our fathers are not perfected yet, we must be forgiving for their shortcomings and screw-ups.  As they grow in the Lord they should be more like  Father God.  It is very important for dad to study the attributes of our heavenly Father. Jesus said learn of me. He was the express image of his Father, God.  I really never had a father after I was young.  I loved him from the time I was young and never lost that love ,even though he left us and mom to fend for us. We never had much, but we had lots of love and godly training. When my kids were half grown dad straightened out his life  and server the lord  for the rest of his life.  During that time we were reunited. We had time to  forgive and love as God intended, Even after that time there were thing that needed repairing.  I wrote my dad a letter a couple of months before he died and mended all hurt feelings , I never got a letter back but I had forgiven him when I sent that letter. My brother said he said that he forgave me also. Then he went to live with Jesus.  It took him a long time to become a good father, but he did finally. It is awesome when young men are trained to be good fathers.  As long as there is life and a willing heart  a dad can become a good father..It takes time to create a good relationship with your children Ephesians 6:2  says to honor your Father and your mother for this is the first commandment with promise.  ( Exodus 20:12 ) 3. That all may be well with and that you may have long life on this earth. You know it says to do to others as you would have men do to you, Of course, there is  exceptions to the rules.  God has a blessing for the father who reap evil for good. from their kids. Remember all people have been given a  free will and if they choose to be hateful, God  knows  and will reward you if you are faithful , Happy Fathers Day.
Expire Date: 
Thursday, June 22, 2017 - 11:00pm


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