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Karen asks prayer for Danny Posted 8/17/17

Karen BermanFort Worth, TX ·( Karen is Bonnie's daughter in law's sister)

Please keep my husband in your thoughts and prayers. Danny had surgery on Monday and a second surgery yesterday that didn't go well. Danny flat lined and they performed CPR for 8 min then shocking him.
They were able to revive him however he never woke up. Danny is basically in a coma right now. They have him iced down to prevent brain damage. Danny will be iced for 24 hours and then they will slowly warm his body back up which will take 8 hours. After that time they will give medicine to try to wake him. Please pray that he will wake up. We will not know anything else until tomorrow late afternoon. I will keep everyone updated as we go. Keep us all in your prayers.

UPDATE ON DANNY! Praise the Lord! Danny can now move his lower half of his body. Long term memory seems good. He does have short term memory loss. Danny failed his swallow test so no fluids by mouth are allowed.

The first words out of his mouth were to Savannah he said you are so pretty. As you can imagine we all started crying. Danny has a long road of recovery so keep the prayers coming.
We will update tomorrow. Thank you everyone for your love and support during this time.


Expire Date: 
Thursday, August 24, 2017 - 7:00pm


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