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The Hour Is Come.......

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 12:24

Story Summary: 

When the Gentiles started actively seeking to see Jesus, He declared that His hour had come. He spoke to His followers and told them again of the manner of His death and what it was meant to accomplish. They asked Him who the Son of Man was and He did not answer them directly. Can He answer you directly ? Then, He hid from them. When He hides from you, do you know how to actively seek Him?  Many of the Jews could not believe in Him because of spiritual darkness. They were spiritually blind and hard-hearted.  Is this describing you? Others believed He was who He said He was but had no strength to proclaim Him and stand against their peers. What about you? Do you run with the crowd or make your stand for Jesus? Are you blind, stony-hearted, and fearful of others opinions? If so, Jesus has the power to change things. Submit to Him and His Word. He will make us what He intends us to be. I look forward to seeing you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M.  

Date of Class: 
Sunday, September 10, 2017


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