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Unbelief Still Abounds

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 12:41

Story Summary: 

Unbelievers demonstrated blind eyes and hard hearts. Some who were believers gave way to fear and would not confess their belief because they did not want the possible repercussions that their confession would bring, i.e. , being kicked out of the synagogue and ostracized by all. To the Jew, being able to worship in the synagogue meant right standing in man's eyes and acceptance by those around them. At this time, man's opinion had more influence over them. Does man's opinion mean more to you than God's directives? Jesus continued to proclaim that He was come from God to destroy the darkness of evil and sin. He further stated that He did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He plainly stated that in the last day, the words He has spoken will be used to judge mankind. The sins of the one who accepts Jesus' gift of salvation are covered by His blood, never to be remembered anymore by Him. Our works will be judged. Have you done or are you doing what He tells you to do? For us, life everlasting with Jesus is our ultimate aim and end. For those who reject the words of Jesus, life everlasting in the Devil's hell is their end. What is your destination today? These are the only options we have. Choose you this day whom you will serve. Christian, choose to share God's love with the lost ones who are going the wrong way. I hope you are here Sunday at 10:00 A.M.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, September 17, 2017


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