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This week we are honoring our soldiers. There are soldiers & there are wounded soldiers. The hurt & mental anguish after the wounded heal..these need our prayer & support more than those who were not wounded. Mentally wounded is the hardest to deal with, because the inner wounds take so much more  time to heal. I wrote a poem several years ago called WOUNDED SOLDIERS.  There are times when God's soldiers are wounded. The enemies darts hit again & again. Disaster strikes, wounds go deep, sorrow begins; Trusting God, one day at a time to see us through. To do only what our Lord Jesus Christ can do.  In our frail & blinded minds, common sense is left behind.  Heartaches by the numbers , troubles seem to have no end.  Jesus is an everlasting, never ending friend. Where are our sisters & brothers? Are we not members one of another? To tarry with us in prayer, along the way, or need to lend a helping hand. Neglected  & abused by many of our peers, but Jesus is the friend who's ever near.& then the Holy Spirit pouring in the oil & wine. The healing process begins in time.  God sent us Christians faithful & true.. And in God's word we humbly grew.. Now we are stronger, wounded no longer. We stand firm with our armor & shield,[ led by God's Spirit to the battlefield.. Remember to give others God's loving helping hand. For someday, you may stand..  I realize this was written for Christians in the spiritual battlefield of life., but all wounded soldiers of all kinds need God's tender care. We as Christians need to keep our armor on  & be ware for our enemy goeth about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. This is why we need to keep our leaders in prayer. Our pastors & brothers & sisters in Christ. In  unity there is strength, & in the name of Jesus we have the Victory. There are many ways that we can help our wounded soldiers. Prying for them, supporting wounded soldier projects, maybe you have neighbors  that you can give a helping hand to. They don't all cost alot. Mow their grass, babysit  or something else they might need help with. Love, especially from a godly person means a lot. Just to be a friend & lend an ear means an awful lot. That is if you are not judgmental or a gossip. Genna
Expire Date: 
Saturday, November 18, 2017 - 12:30am


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