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Jesus Intercedes For His Own

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 16:13-29

Story Summary: 

Jesus prays that His Father will glorify Him as He, Jesus, has glorified His Father. He asks to be restored to His former glory that He had before He came to earth as a man. Jesus states He has power over all flesh so that He can give eternal life to everyone the Father has given Him. He declares to His followers that the work His Father sent Him to do is finished and He has not lost any except the son of perdition. Jesus manifested His Father's name to His own, gave them His Father's words and they now know that He came from the Father. Jesus prays for them that they might have his joy fulfilled in themselves. He prays they be kept from evil and be sanctified through His Father's truth. His word is truth. Jesus states that just as the Father sent Him into the world, He is sending His own into the world. He prays for everyone who will believe on Him through their words. He asks the Father that we all may be one (unity) as He and His Father are one. Have you ever thought about how awesome it is that Jesus prayed for you?  He wants us to be kept from evil, to walk in unity with others who proclaim Him, and be one with each other as He is one with His Father. Through our obedience, He desires His glory to shine through us so that He is glorified in us just as His obedience to His Father glorified His Father. Do you desire to be obedient to Jesus. God's word teaches us that obedience is better than sacrifice. Come and be with us in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. Let us learn how to be obedient together. 

Date of Class: 
Sunday, November 26, 2017


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