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Jesus Sent To Be Judged by Pilate

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

John 18:21

Story Summary: 

Jesus is questioned by Caiaphas, the High Priest appointed by Rome. He is asked what He was teaching. Jesus said to him, why are you asking what I taught? I have not done anything in secret and everyone has heard what I said. He was slapped in the face by an officer and criticized for answering the High Priest in this manner. He replied to the officer that if what He said was true why did he strike him? Jesus was then sent to Pilate and it was very early in the  morning. Pilate was the Governor appointed by Caesar to rule over the Jews. Pilate questioned Jesus as to His identity. He asked Him if He was King of the Jews. Jesus told him that His Kingdom was not of this world. Pilate tried to release Jesus because he found no fault in Him but the Jews were having none of that. They wanted him dead and out of their way. Pilate presented Jesus to them as their king and they cried "crucify Him, crucify Him." We have no king but Caesar. How about you? Do you worship the one true God or do you have your little deities such as, ego, pride, or other things that keep you from seeing Jesus as He is? We must be careful not lto deny our Lord and Saviour for there is no other way to God. I hope to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 AM.


Date of Class: 
Sunday, December 17, 2017


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