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What Does Christmas mean To You?

To so many it means giving gifts, being with family, or just a few extra days to do what you want. I guess that is ok. But Jesus is the reason for the season.. Many churches have their plays, have Christmas trees and that is their thing. But what would Jesus do if he were here?  Like the bracelets would indicate that some would or would want to do; but again I ask, what would Jesus do?  In the Bible it tells us what Jesus did. Matthew 11:28  Jesus said; " Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. 29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye will find rest for your soul. Share the love of Jesus, How? Minister to people's needs. They must know of the Son of God's love, through us! Through word and deed, we are Christ's ambassadors. Sharing with the poor; by giving personally to those less fortunate than yourself. It is good to help missionaries in the field, with extra funds. It is good to support Christian charities, because they help so many down and out with shelters, food, to help them get back on their feet. Most of all they give them the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. But who can you personally touch with the love of Jesus? Our Church group goes out to have a snack after church. We reach others by our getting together because we are discussing the word, and helping others to receive the unadulterated words of truth. Many times it is listening to others until God opens up an opportunity to give the word. I love being a part of this group and our church because it is for uplifting the hands that hang down, support and friendship. Age means nothing because we are there for fellowship . To me that means a lot. Since I really have no Christian fellowship at home, as of yet. Isn't that what Jesus would do? Heal the broken hearted, bring comfort to the lonely and sad, heal  the areas that others don't see or understand. The best Christmas for me is  giving the word and sharing Christ, like when I went to Mexico and seen miracles of healing, salvation; changed lives.  That is the greatest gift to me. I may be a widow, but I'm not alone, my friends mean so much to me, especially Jesus.
Expire Date: 
Friday, December 29, 2017 - 1:30pm


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