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Evil Communications!

Teens Class
Scripture References: 

1 Corinthians 15:33

Story Summary: 

We have missed Jeremy, Jackalyn, Lauren and Kaitlyn..Hope everything is ok.  I'd rather ask God largely and receive partly; then ask a little and get it all..1 Corinthians 15:33, Evil communications corrupts good manners. This includes friendships, relationships and things that we spend our time doing. I had a person admit that they once got so addicted to video games that their grades went down and were failing in school..They were restricted the first time for three month and it was over a year before they were able to play the video games. By that time they didn't even want to play them. If that isn't overcoming the evil for good manners; I don't know what is. How many times have you seen a law abiding citizen and they got into the wrong crowd and they became lawless and corrupt Same thing goes for bad relationships.  Let me give You an example. I was 16 and started dating this guy. We will call him Ray..He was about 21 and had been married, but lost his wife in child birth. I got to where I didn't go to church anymore, started smoking, eventually we split up  and my lifestyle became worldly. I never realized how I'd  gotten away from God., until I was so ashamed, I guess I was too proud at the time to turn back to my godly training.  Finally "7 years later"  God called and I answered and repented. I've failed God many times I never lost my desire to serve God. Proverbs 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it is the issues of life; V 11-27. These scriptures were written to give  wisdom and prevent a lot of havoc in peoples' lives.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, February 11, 2018


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