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Behold: A New Direction

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 2:37

Story Summary: 

As Peter preached, conviction was working in the hearts that were open to the Spirit. Repentance was preached and baptism was encouraged. The blood of Jesus has paid for the remission of sins. Peter told them that after they received Jesus as Saviour and Lord and were baptized,  they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He made it plain that this gift is a promise of God and is for everyone the Lord calls to Himself. Three thousand souls were added to the church on that day. They were joyfully received. These new christians were hungry for God's word and met daily to study, have fellowship, and celebrate each day what God was doing for and through them. They were in awe at the signs, wonders , and miracles the Lord was doing. Everyone shared what they had to meet the needs of each person. Everyone was praising God and had favor with all the people. Souls continued to be added to the church daily as they were being saved. Do you want to see the power of God fall on GLO ministries? Let all of us purpose in our heart to seek God for a renewal of our mind, a right spirit, and a willingness to hear the voice of God and obey it. If all will come together with this attitude, we will have a joyful heart and will see the Glory of God. The signs of  healing, deliverance, and miracles will be evident to all. The love of God will  abound in our midst. I am hoping to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 A. M..      

Date of Class: 
Sunday, February 18, 2018


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