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Having Done All To Stand!

Do we have to come to our rope's end before we turn to the source of victory?  I know that it says to work out your salvation with fear and trembling; Philippians 2:12.-14 It says to do  what you are called to do without murmuring or complaining. It is God that  called you, and that we are to be blameless, examples for Christ. This is talking about conducting our live  to  glorify the  Lord Jesus Christ. Matthew 5:16  says to  let your good works be seen that  they might glorify four Father, which is in heaven. That is not concerning the trials of our life.  Man has never been able to  work things out in their own life. That is why we needed a savior. Abram (.Abraham) told the  princes of Pharaoh and Sarai (Sarah)- became one  a woman of Pharaoh's house..That surely didn't set  good for Pharaoh's house and God stepped in and  plagued  it. That is what happens  when we try to work things out in our flesh..When  Jesus said " it is  finished," on     cavalries old rugged cross, and  the veil of the temple was rent from  top to bottom, from the throne in heaven, to man.. We personally have the privilege to come to God for Ourselves. Jesus took the stripes for our healing and took  the sins, and shame upon himself and paid the ransom for lost humanity who would believe on the name of the only begotten Son of God. (Believe- To accept as truth, live by , rely on.)  When Jesus went into heaven :God sent his promise, the Holy Ghost, Acts 1:8.Now we have the holy Ghost  in our live to perform his promises. It is a true fact that we do have the Holy Ghost when we are saved. and he does help us, but why have a little when  you can have more than enough? The Holy Ghost is not like Brylcreem, a little dab will do you. When we have the fullness of the Holy Ghost we have all we will ever need..As long as we look to him and let him work out things in our life. Just like the Lord let me get to the point that I realized that I couldn't quit smoking.  I'm not condemning you if you smoke, I had to quit . A friend of mine said that the Lord told them that if they continued that their witness that they had to the world would be tainted. Would you believe that God delivers from  harmful habits when they see you puffing on a cigarette? They may not say anything, but, in their mind they are thinking, if God delivers, WHY ARE YOU NOT FREE OF YOUR ADDICTION? The truth is the truth ,no matter who you are.. What we need is an old fashioned, sin killing, devil chasing, Holy Ghost revival. When people get hungry and start seeking God for his Spirit, then will we be revived and souls saved, people set free, delivered from the bondages in their life. When Zion travails, she shall bring forth. I pray God put a hunger for more of  him. A Holy Ghost of fire.
Expire Date: 
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 - 10:30pm


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