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Behold: A Miracle

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 3:1

Story Summary: 

While Peter and John were on the way to the temple to pray at the hour of prayer, they encountered a beggar who could not walk. He was carried daily to the temple gate called Beautiful to beg for his living. He was asking for alms. Alms were received from those who were compassionate and showed mercy. When Peter and John walked by, he was commanded by Peter to look at him and John. He looked at them because he expected to receive something from them. Because he looked at them and expected to receive something, he received what they had to offer. Peter and John had authority in Jesus' name to heal this man's ankles and feet. Peter spoke to him, told him to arise, and reached out a hand of assistance and encouragement to bring him to his feet. He immediately stood as the Lord strengthened his feet and ankles. He began to walk and leap for joy while praising God for what He had done. How about you? Do you expect to receive when you ask? Are you looking in the right direction to receive? Are you asking with the right motive? I am desiring to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M.. I look forward to seeing you there. 

Date of Class: 
Sunday, February 25, 2018


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