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Behold: How God Moves

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 7:10

Story Summary: 

Stephen continues to preach by recounting history. A famine in the land was the catalyst that sent Jacob's sons to Egypt to buy grain. Later, a second trip was made and Joseph maneuvered circumstances so that he might reveal himself to his brothers. This set things up so that Jacob, his 11 sons and family members could come to Egypt, after Joseph reveals his identity to them. While in Egypt, The family of Jacob grew and multiplied. After Jacob and Joseph had died, a new Pharoah who did not know the history of Joseph and his people, came to power. He became fearful when he looked at the population of the Hebrews. He began to treat them badly and he became a harsh taskmaster. He told all the midwives who assisted in childbirth to kill all the males born to the Hebrews. The enemy always has a plan to destroy God's plan and God's people. Do you recognize our enemy when he comes against you? Do you know how to stand against him? Our battles are fought in the spiritual realm although Satan uses our flesh in this natural realm to tempt us to turn away from God's plan, God's time, and God's provision. We must submit our flesh to God and give the Holy Spirit the control He needs so that our enemy can be fought in the spiritual realm. See you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M..  

Date of Class: 
Sunday, April 22, 2018


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