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Behold: Jesus Revealed

Adults Class
Scripture References: 


Story Summary: 

Stephen is stoned and devout men carried him to his burial and mourned his death. Great persecution came against the church at Jerusalem and Christians were scattered to regions of Judea and Samaria except for the apostles. Saul, who had been caretaker of the cloaks of those who stoned Stephen, began putting Christians in prison and showing no mercy to them. Everyone who had been scattered was going everywhere preaching the Word. Philip went to Samaria and was preaching about Jesus. Healing and deliverance followed his ministry. Simon, a sorcerer who had deceived many people, believed what Philip was preaching. The apostles heard about this and Peter came to help. None had yet received the Holy Ghost and Peter began to lay his hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost. Simon offered to buy this gift from the apostles and Peter corrected his thinking. Peter told him his heart was not right before God and his money would perish with him. He was told to repent so that he might receive forgiveness for his wickedness. He received that correction and asked Peter to pray that none of those things would come upon him. How about you? In what spirit do you receive correction? God is honored when we receive correction with an attitude of repentance. I look forward to seeing you in Sunday school at 10:00 A.M..   

Date of Class: 
Sunday, April 29, 2018


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