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Behold:The Dead is Raised

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 9:36

Story Summary: 

A woman, known in her community for doing almsdeeds by helping clothe widows who could not help themselves and doing other good works, got sick and died. She was called a disciple because she was a follower of Jesus. Her body was washed, prepared for burial, and laid in an upper chamber. Two of Jesus' disciples had heard Peter was at Lydda and went to get him. Peter returned with them to Joppa. He listened to the weeping widows who told and showed him the many things that Dorcas had made for them. He put everyone out of the room. He kneeled, prayed, turned to her body and said, "Tabitha arise."  She got up and he presented her alive when he called all the saints and widows back into the room. It became known all over Joppa that Dorcas had been raised from the dead and many believed in the Lord. Lydda had a miracle, Joppa had a miracle, and many people came to know Jesus. Jesus is the same, He never changes. If He prepared the way for His gospel using miracles then, He can do so now. Are you willing to pay the price to be a disciple Jesus can use to prepare the way into men's hearts and lives? Have you considered how Jesus wants you to touch others lives? I desire to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M..

Date of Class: 
Sunday, May 27, 2018


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