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Behold: God's Grace Is For All Mankind

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 10:21

Story Summary: 

Peter and six other brethren from Joppa comes to the house of Cornelius and asks why he sent for him. Cornelius and his household were Gentiles. They were looked upon as dogs. Cornelius shared the vision given to him with Peter. Peter told him of his vision where God had instructed him not to call anyone common or unclean that He had cleansed.There was family, near kinsmen, and close friends of Cornelius gathered to hear Peter. Peter shared with them about Jesus. They received and believed the word Peter was preaching and the Holy Ghost fell upon them and they began to speak in other tongues, magnifying and praising God. Peter called for water so that they could be baptized and this signified that they were accepted into the church. Truly a new thing, contrary to the Law and tradition, was done this day. Are we willing, as Peter was, to let God dictate to us what He wants to do? Are we afraid to go against man's tradition? Let us put God in charge and walk in His ways. I am looking forward to seeing you in Sunday School at 10:00 A.M..

Date of Class: 
Sunday, June 3, 2018


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