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Fear Not !

 I read a statement in a magazine the other day that said, "What could you do if you had no fear?" Think about it.  I realize that a lot of people in the natural could benefit from this but I am speaking about our spiritual lives.  The majority of the time, people are held back from reaching their calling in life because of fear.  I know I'd be much farther on in my destiny if I had not been afraid.  The opposite of fear is faith.  We do face sudden fears.  In Job, it teaches that when sudden fear comes, fear not.  Job also said the things that I feared have come upon me.  Does that tell you what fear can do in peoples lives? In John 10:10 Jesus teaches that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but He has come to give life abundantly.  We live so far below our potential.  The Lord said fear not little flock.  Fear not for I have overcome the world.  Let me tell you a true story.  There was a little man who, when confronted by strangers, froze.  He loved the Lord and wanted to be a witness for the Lord.  He would approach a person, hand them a tract, and tell them Jesus loves them, and run away.  It was reported that at least 122 people were saved and became missionaries, evangelists, and pastors because this man loved the Lord and did what he could.  Just think of the reward he will receive in heaven.  When a teacher teaches on faith and how to be an overcomer, are we hearing and doing the word? James 1:12.  Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves;.  These are some very strong words, but we need to grasp them and obey them.  I dare you to do that.  I will take the dare, too.  This is serious business.  Souls are being weighed in the balance and found wanting.  We need the Holy Ghost fire burning in our souls so it will spread like wild fire.  People will be drawn to the fire, set free from sin and delivered from bondage.  Once, we were in a revival in Dallas.  Sister Jewel was preaching and a man jumped up and ran out.  A short time later, he and his girl friend ran back in to the altar.  We learned he was a drug dealer.  He married the girl.  This is a great example of being saved and set free from bondage.  It was a glorious experience.
Expire Date: 
Friday, July 20, 2018 - 2:00pm


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