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Show me the way to Calvary!

We know the way is Jesus.  To some people who have not known the truths of the gospel, this is very confusing and there are those who will gladly confuse them more with everything but the truth.  There was a family who I knew who were told by the one who introduced them to the gospel, that just believe in Jesus and live just like you want.  This was only a half truth.  God is a holy God.  We spend our lives learning of him and his ways 1 Peter 1:16  Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.  Salvation is  just the beginning.  It is like being born again.  That is why Jesus stated, ' You must be born again in John 3.  When we ask Jesus to forgive us of our sins, come into our hearts; our spirit is born into the family of God.  We are spiritually new born.  The flesh has controlled our life and according to what we have been taught, we lived.  Many times people say "if it feels good, do it".  There has been outside influences that have been hurtful.  There is a struggle between the flesh and the spirit to control our lives.  There is always a clash between good and evil in everyone's lives.  I'm not telling you that life is gloom and doom.  The Lord Jesus keeps a smile on my face and a song of praise in my heart.  Jesus said to be content with such things as you have, for he has said that he would never leave us  or forsake us.  Jesus said in John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  The 15th.  chapter says to abide in him, Jesus.  Now that I have showed you the way, now I will show how he made the way, what gave him the right to say, I am the way.  Man sinned way back in the beginning.  Making it impossible for man to redeem himself.  It had to be a man without sin to redeem mankind.  God sent his only son to be born, a man.  He, Jesus lived 30 years without sin.  He was born of a virgin, yet without sin he endured the cross of Calvary and the discourse of redemption, paid the price of that redemption for everyone, who by faith ask for their sins to be permanently washed away, and with faith believing, Webster's dictionary prior to 1900, "to  accept, to rely on  and to live by.  "Believing is the action of faith.  There has to be an action of faith, for it to work.  Obedience to what God asks you to do, Believing produces the action.  The cross is the means Jesus is the redeemer, we are  the recipients, Praise God for Jesus and we thank him for bearing our sins and shame, and deliverance, and healing and more.  All this and heaven too.
Expire Date: 
Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 2:00pm


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