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Behold God Provides; Demons Recognize

Adults Class
Scripture References: 

Acts 16:6

Story Summary: 

As Paul, Silas, and Timothy are traveling, they are preaching everywhere they go. Luke joins them in Troas. They determined to go to Macedonia because of the night vision that Paul had of seeing a man asking them to come to Macedonia and help them. They went to Philippi, a major city in Macedonia. As they went about preaching, they learned that women of the city would go to the riverside every sabbath to pray. They went and spoke to the women gathered there. Lydia, one who worshiped God, received what was said. She and her entire household were baptized and she asked them to live in her home while they were in Philippi. As they went about preaching, a young woman began to follow them. She had a spirit of divination and would cry out "these men are the servants of the most high God which show us the way of salvation." Paul recognized the evil spirit and after many days, cast it out of her. Her masters were angered. What about you? Are you careful to discern the spirits? I hope to see you in Sunday School at 10:00 A,M,,

Date of Class: 
Sunday, August 19, 2018


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