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How Heavy Is Your Cross?

This may seem like a weird topic to talk about in a world of name it and claim it, saying all your troubles will be over when you become a Christian. Becoming a Christian is not about the ideology of getting anything you want, when you want it. It is a life, greater than any other because Jesus is with you and gives you peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Jesus is not a genie in a bottle granting whatever you want. He is the Son of God, who paid the ransom for sinful man, so that we don't have to go to a devil's hell. Just that alone should make man stand up and consider his ways. God's word says hell is enlarging itself every day. Read the actual story of the rich man and Lazarus starting at Luke 16:19. It is true that we are blessed, but blessings are not always money and fame. Jesus is about so much more. So many people followed Jesus for the loaves and fishes (blessings). The reality in life is that it rains on the just and the unjust. Life happens. We are not shielded from the problems of life. Many times, life's problems are but a consequence of our own choices. The Lord does not keep us from all of life's woes but, with the woes, we have Jesus' Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, strengthen us, and be with us through it all. God honors faith. We do good works because we love him, not to get him to do something we want. We trust him because we believe Him and have faith in Him. We know that he loves us. Even Hitler, the murderer of millions of Jews could have been saved if he had repented and turned from his wicked ways. Look at Saul who became the Apostle Paul. He killed and put in prison many Christians before his conversion.  He is in heaven waiting for the rest of God's people. We all have a cross to bear. Jesus tells us in Matthew 16:24 to take up our cross and follow him. He asked what would you give in exchange for your soul? The cross is our self will, our flesh. We are flesh and blood, but when we serve God, we submit our fleshly desires to Him. All that we receive from God is by faith, through his grace and mercy. Because we are human, we will have heartache and failure but Jesus walks with us through it all.  My twin sister suffered all her life with illnesses. How I prayed for God to deliver her but God gave her grace to live her life that way. She had great faith and a great testimony. People would go to encourage her and, instead, would receive uplifting and encouragement themselves. Study 1 Peter 4:19 and rejoice because God is faithful.
Expire Date: 
Friday, August 31, 2018 - 12:30pm


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