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Miracles, I've experienced and seen many. Am I special? No more than any other Christian. Hebrews 13:8 teaches us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God does not have any favorites. What He does for one, He will do for others. We just need to believe (accept as fact, live by, and rely on). I got this definition from Webster's Dictionary. Believing is not just knowing. The devil knows that God is real but he does not live for him. Scripture teaches us that if all the miracles Jesus did was written down, the world could not contain them. Not everyone that saith, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my Father in heaven.  God has the plan for the way things are to be done. If we do things His way, then we will reap the benefits. If we rebel, we also reap the fruit of our doings. Many are sick and weak because they are reaping what they have sown. Unity is needed in a church and a marriage. I do know that if there are sour things in your marriage, you need to make peace and work things out. I used to gripe and complain about things. Then, one day while I was washing dishes, the Lord spoke to my heart. I had to repent and ask God to help me. He did. Sin and a hard heart will prevent God's miracles. The Lord said that it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. It is a good thing to ask the Lord to open up his searchlight and examine our hearts. I guarantee you that if you open your heart to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit, He will show you your sin. I was teaching some young people in Florida, and they proceeded to tell me how their dad cheated on his tests, etc. That very day, he said that he was perfect, he never sinned. I have news for you. Jesus said, " there is none righteous, no not one". Our righteousness is by faith in Jesus Christ. Human righteousness is as filthy rags. As the church judges itself, and draws nigh to Him, we will see more miracles. Spending time with the Lord in prayer and worship teaches us how we ought we to think of ourselves.
Expire Date: 
Saturday, September 15, 2018 (All day)


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