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God Or Man?

Do we do things for others out of sympathy, obedience to God's voice, or the urging of people?  I am a compassionate person.  Sometimes that is good, sometimes it is not.  I've had to learn that sometimes we cannot intervene.  I had a pastor who would step in when God would try to get her daughters attention.  It was a sad situation.  The last time I talked to the daughter, she was in a nursing home.  One leg was amputated and her veins were blown out from drug use.  She was a severe diabetic and, as far as I know, she never repented.  I hope she did.  We can tie the hands of God.  I had to come to the place where I gave my kids to the Lord, even if it meant them being put in prison or me never seeing them again.  I have a son in prison.  He is serving three life sentences and 70 years.  No, he didn't' t kill anyone.  He was innocent but he is still there.  I haven't been able to visit him in four years.  He has accepted the Lord.  That is one consolation to me.  My oldest son slammed the door and said I'd never see my granddaughter.  I'd had a bad case of TMJ and had not slept in days.  I had just gotten back from the doctors and had taken the medicine.  I couldn't keep awake.  I didn't see or hear about him for ten years.  God spoke to my heart and said my children would return to their borders.  In less than a year, my son was staying in my house.  He has been there for six months.  We talk once in a while, now.  He was run over by a 1 ton van across his chest, slipped off a diesel into 2 transmissions, and was hit by a falling tree on the side of his head.  God has been trying to get his attention.  In and through this, he is still not accepting truth but he will.  The only reason I tell these things is to let people know that there is hope and God never fails.  Even in the darkest hours, he is working on our behalf.  God is faithful.  He doesn't have any favorites.  What He does for one, He will do for all.  Hebrews 13:8 says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He loves us all the same.
Expire Date: 
Friday, September 21, 2018 - 3:00pm


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