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God's Army!

The greatest army that anyone can be a part of is the Army of God.  Our service does not require a certain  age, old or young, it doesn't matter.  We must be a Christian. We must be blood bought by the precious blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  There are benefits untold.  This army was started by God over 6,000 years ago. The enemy  has waged war on the saints of God from the beginning.  I used to sing a song, " A Prayer Warriors Heart"    It starts," Lord lay me on some prayer warrior's heart, and lead them to the altar to pray for me. In the heat of the battle I have become weary and worn and need strength for the fight.  Somewhere I hear a voice calling my name and strength comes to me, God bless that prayer warrior's heart."  We are members one of another.  No person can stand by themselves long.  We need the unity of the Spirit and those working with us. I have another song that says, my saints have grown fat at the table (feasting on the goodness of the Lord), then when the Lord says who will go and work in my fields, too many are feasting and not willing to serve the Lord.  It is like coming for the loaves and fishes only.  WANTED! PRAYER WARRIORS! Any blood bought Christian can do this service and should do their share. These are the  backbone of those out in the fields.  Not only the Pastors but the sick, the lost, destitute, anyone in battle with the enemy needs strength and courage. Remember, we are members one of another. This is life saving. This area of service has been sorely neglected.  Galatians 5:1 Stand fast in the liberty where Christ has made you free.  Galatians 6:7-9  Be not deceived.  God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. If you sow to the flesh, you shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the Spirit, of the Spirit he will reap life everlasting.  And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season you will reap, if you faint not.  So how is your prayer life?  Mine will be increased for the members, the family of God.
Expire Date: 
Friday, November 23, 2018 - 6:00am


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