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Greetings From Your Sister In Christ Jesus!

To my Church Family: Hi and I miss you.  You  are so dear to my heart.  I don' t mean to be distant but sometimes I am.  It is not the way I feel about my family which is mostly Gospel Lighthouse Outreach.  I've lost so many of my natural family.  Most of them were godly people.  There are some Christians still, but they are few and far between.  I have four brothers and only one of them is saved.  I don't belong to his church so I'm not even counted.  I haven't heard from him since he was eighteen.  Dad, Sonny, Joseph, and Paul visited Me in east Texas.  They stayed about three months.  I haven't heard from Paul in over 40 years.  Paul doesn't associate with so called sinners and he categorizes everyone who doesn't agree with his church doctrine as a sinner.  I have no others that live close other than my church family.  I have two things to say, "Finally my brethren be ye strong in the Lord and the power of his might."  and "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if you faint not." To Sister Baker: I pray that God blesses you with the peace that God has given me after John went home to be with Jesus two years ago.  I am blessed to have y'all as my family.  I will leave you this scripture in John:  My peace I leave with you, not as the world giveth.  I hope to see you soon.
Expire Date: 
Sunday, December 16, 2018 - 5:00pm


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