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JESUS! What Do You Think?

Everyone has opinions. There are many who say God is not real. It is a fact that Jesus was crucified and died. Scripture tells us Jesus was seen of over five hundred people after his resurrection. They saw him ascend into heaven. They were not all believers. I am a believer and have peace with God through knowing and believing in Jesus. I talked with a young man who said he did not believe in Jesus. He shared about running away when he was a teenager. His mother was a Christian and there was a lot of things he didn't understand. He told of leaving his clothes under a bridge until he decided where he was going.  As he walked down the deserted road he heard a voice telling him to go back home. He said the voice came out of nowhere and no one was there. He obeyed. How many times has the presence of the Lord intervened in circumstances and miracles have happened? Once, I saw my niece crossing the road and a speeding car was coming. She was slow and clumsy. I cried out "Oh God,"  and it seemed as if the car hit a brick wall.  My niece walked across safely.  What stopped that car?  Logic cannot explain the many miracles I have seen.  God loves everyone even though he hates their sins. That is why Jesus came, died, and was resurrected.  How can you say Jesus is not real until you give him a chance to prove himself?
Expire Date: 
Friday, March 1, 2019 - 12:30pm


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