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Get Ready, He's At The Door!

Any day now, Jesus is coming for his saints. There are those in high places that want to get rid of Christians. I am not talking about our president. He has stood for the rights of all people, even those who want to kill the infidels. When you vote, know what your party supports. Read the manifesto. You might be surprised to know the things for which you are voting. Stand for the principles that our Lord Jesus taught. He said there is no other way to God and no other means of salvation except by Him. Mark 13:13 teaches us "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Jesus said that he would never leave us nor forsake us. The Father sent the Holy Ghost to live in us and help us after Jesus ascended back to heaven. He gives us all we need to live for Jesus and be faithful. We are reminded to keep our flesh submitted to the Spirit. We are to learn how not to be offended by others and we are to be very careful not to offend others. Stephen was a very good example about how to be faithful to the end. Read Acts, chapter 7. He was stoned to death  and he prayed "lay not this sin to their charge."  That sounded just like Jesus. Do you sound just like Jesus?
Expire Date: 
Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 3:00pm


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