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For You Know Not The Hour !

Some folks believe that the rapture happened in the 1870's. Some believe it is for anyone that has done something good. Some don't believe in the rapture at all. The word of God is true. Jesus is coming again for his saints before the tribulation. No one knows the day or the hour when Jesus is coming, not even the angels in heaven. We are to be ready. We are called the bride of Christ. Read Revelation 22:13-17. There are those who think the church is going to go through the tribulation. God's word is plain. His church is delivered from the tribulation. We do not know when we will be called away, whether by death or by the rapture. The Jewish marriage tradition is a foreshadowing of the the rapture. When a couple is espoused, the man goes to the Father's house to build a place for his bride. She waits for his return to take her with him. The church (Bride) has her wedding garment ready, pure and white. The Bride is looking for her Beloved's coming. She remains vigilant and ready. Matthew 7:21 tells that only those who do the will of the Father will have a place in heaven. Does that make you think about your life? I hope so. We must be ready when he comes.
Expire Date: 
Wednesday, June 12, 2019 - 1:30pm


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