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Judy lives in Fl.

Please pray for Judy, who lives in Florida.

Well, I have a story to tell. Sunday Clarissa and her boyfriend came over right from the campground where a group had been camping. Of course, I had to love all over them and us Southerners are huggers. The next morning I woke up and had a tick in my upper arm. It looked like a terrible spider bite. We didn’t know it was a tick. When I got to work and got in bright light, I could see it was a tick. None of the ladies at work would pull it out because it looked infected. When I got home, Grady removed it for me. By yesterday, I was running a fever. Went to the doctor and have been diagnosed with Lymes disease. He gave me a shot of antibiotics at the office and prescription to take two antibiotics each day for 14 days. Then I go back and they are going to change my prescription to another round of antibiotics. Right now I just feel like I have a case of the flu. I ache all over and am running like a 99 fever. He said that is normal.
It was caught within 48 hours and he thinks cure, but I will be sick. I am just to let him know if my lymph nodes are inflamed or if my fever spikes or if my joints start causing me problems (you are talking about somebody who has to use a cane about every 6 months for a few days). I am very optimistic because he said he started treatment so early.
Put me back on prayer list. Missed church last night but Lord willing will be back on Sunday morning.
Love ya, Judy

(Req. by Helen)

Expire Date: 
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 11:00pm


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