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If You Were In Their Place, How Would You Feel?

We read in the Bible about different people and how they lived and died. Their feelings are not discussed but they are portrayed in scripture. Look at the Apostle Paul before he was saved, He hated everyone in the way and thought they were blasphemers of God. He arrested and even killed many. He obtained a letter from the High Priest to go to other countries and arrest them to bring them back to Jerusalem for trial. Then he met Jesus. God called Ananias to pray for Saul, who God later renamed Paul. He was afraid but obeyed God anyway. In Acts 6, we see the example of Stephen who was one of seven Holy Ghost filled men chosen to wait tables so that dissension over some widows not being fed could be settled. Stephen preached the Word fearlessly with wisdom and boldness. He was stoned because he preached truth to the religious zealots of his day. The Apostle John was banished to the Isle of Patmos after he'd been boiled in oil. Most of all, we look at JESUS and the price He paid that we might have eternal life in heaven. He was beaten, mocked, and his beard pulled out. All his own turned against him. He stood alone. He did this to show He is our Lord and Savior. He is our example. No matter what we are called to endure, we need to honor God and give Him glory through it all. 
Expire Date: 
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 - 12:30am


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