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Jesus Made Him Anew !

2 Corinthians 5:17 states that if any man be in Christ, He is a new creation. The man I an talking about was called Legion. It is not his name, but what was in him. It says in Mark 5, that when Jesus asked his name that the evil spirit said, Legion, for we are many. It never gives his name so I will call him Leon. When he saw Jesus , he ran & worship him. What can we learn about this man. He was tormented by evil spirits con- tinually, because he roamed on the mountains & tombs night & day He was not able to sleep. Therefore He was insane, he was naked, & cut himself with stones. He was not in control of his right mind. He could not be bound with chains or fetters & was stength- ened by the spirits that controlled him. I met a little boy who was in this shape. I wasn't living like I should, so I could not set him free. His name was Robin. I used to cry because of his condition. His mother asked him why he would throw himself in the fire, or off the roof. He said that ie heard these voices in his head to do bad things things & if he didn't, his head would hurt so bad & continue until he did it. I heard that he is in central Texas. He just got worse. Maybe God will give the chance to set him free. I can through Jesus, in myself I would be like I was then, helpless. God called us to set the captives free. In Luke 4:18 it says that Jesus preached deliverance to the captives. If they receive they are delivered. Jesus was our example. He said in John 14:12 that those who are filled with His Spirit shall do greater things than He did. The majority of Christians are falling short of what we were called to do. What about you? Are you abiding in your full potential? Will Jesus say well done?
Expire Date: 
Saturday, September 7, 2019 - 12:30pm


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