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When The Devil Has Said, "It's Over"

There are time's in our lives, especially as we mature in Christ, that we find ourselves in places that seem hopeless. Maybe it is physical, in our family's health, or finances. The enemy knows our weaknesses and hits us broadside in that area. Sometimes, he hits us like a boxer, jabbing again and again. Remember that Jesus is our referee. He will not allow anymore than we can handle. 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that nothing happens except what happens to all. With all that happens, Jesus provides us with a way to overcome it or escape it.  My niece put out a song, "Tie a knot in the rope and hang on." Don't give up, don't give in, God is working on your behalf. We are taught to be content in all things and know that Jesus has said He will never leave us nor forsake us. In Daniel 3 we read of the three Hebrew children who refused to bow down to another god. They said, "Our God is able to deliver us, but if not, we will still trust him. In anger, the King threw them into the fiery furnace which was heated seven times hotter than usual. The guards were even consumed by the heat when they threw them into the fire. I can imagine the devil stood there laughing at the three Hebrew children. I'm sure he was confident that he had won. Then, the King saw a fourth man in the fire, like unto the Son of God. The three Hebrew children were taken out of the furnace without even the smell of smoke on them. No matter what we are going through, if our eyes are on Jesus and we trust Him, our circumstances have no power over us in any manner. God is faithful. Trust Him and walk in His peace.  
Expire Date: 
Friday, September 20, 2019 - 10:00am


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