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Christian Doctrine God (Part 2) Attributes:

Juniors Class
Story Summary: 

Who Is He? God Is Living and He Is a Person ➢ What Does This Mean? • God is alive. By His nature, He is a living God. Thus, as Creator, He is the giver of all life. • God is a person. God is not a “force” or “energy” in our Universe, but rather a person who can commu- nicate intellectually and personally with mankind. ➢ Where Do We See This in Scripture? • He is called the “living God” (Ps. 42:2; Jer. 10:10; I Tim. 4:10). • The living God is contrasted with dead idols (Ps. 115:3-9; Acts 14:15; I Thess. 1:9). • He is the source and sustainer of all life (Ps. 36:9; 54:4; 104:27-30; John 5:26). • He has all the components of personality: intellect (Ex. 3:7; Acts 15:18) and sensibility (Ps. 103:8-14); the ability to grieve and repent (Gen 6:6); the ability to have anger (Deut. 1:37), jealousy (Ex. 20:5) and compassion (Ps. 111:4); etc. ➢ What Does This Mean for Me?  God is our Creator, the One who gave us life. With- out Him we would not even exist. He has given us physical life (Gen 2:7), and we must turn to Him for spiritual and eternal life as well (John 5:24).  God’s power over life enables Him to sustain life. The life we have, both physical and eternal, is securely in His hands (Matt. 6:31-33; John 10:27- 29).  God is a personal God who desires to have a personal relationship with each one of us. For this reason, God loves us, sent His Son to redeem us (Rom. 5:8), and calls us to love Him with all of our heart, soul and mind (Matt. 22:37).

Date of Class: 
Sunday, November 17, 2019


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