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Christian Doctrine God (Part 5) Attributes:

Juniors Class
Story Summary: 

 Christian Doctrine
God (Part 5) Attributes: Who Is He?
God Is Unchanging
➢ What Does This Mean?
• God does not change in regard to His character, His attributes or His qualities.
• Though people are prone to change, God always remains the same.
➢ Where Do We See This in Scripture?
• “I the Lord do not change” (Mal. 3:6).
• Every good gift comes down “from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation” (James 1:17).
• God remains the same regardless of man: “If we are faithless, he remains faithful - for he cannot deny himself” (II Tim. 2:13).
• He does not change on His promises: “Not one word has failed of all his good promise” (I Kings 8:56; note II Cor. 1:20).
      Some passages imply that God changes His mind (Ex. 32:14: Jonah 3:10). When studying these passages, we see that God sometimes changes in His dealings with men in order to carry out His unchanging purposes. For example, when men repent of sin, God may choose to withhold judgment. In these instances, it is men who are changing, not God.
➢ What Does This Mean for Me?
 When our lives may seem crazy, hectic or even out of control, we can always find peace and comfort in God because He is an unchanging, solid Rock (Ps. 31:1-3).
 Though society may change in regard to what it says is right and wrong, God and His truth never change.
 We can be confident and sure that God will keep all the promises He has made to us in His Word.

Date of Class: 
Sunday, December 8, 2019


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