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Christian Doctrine God (Part 8) Attributes:

Juniors Class
Story Summary: 

 Who Is He?
God Is Omniscient
➢ What Does This Mean?
• God knows everything. His knowledge is infinite.
• God knows all things – past, present and future.
➢ Where Do We See This in Scripture?
• He knows “everything” (I John 3:20; note Peter’s
words in John 21:17).
• He numbered and named the stars (Ps. 147:4-5).
• He knew everything about our lives even before we were born (Ps. 139:16; note Matt. 10:30).
• God knows what we are going to say before we say it, and what we are going to need even before we ask Him (Ps. 139:3-6; Matt. 6:8).
• God can look past our outward appearance and see what is in our heart (I Sam. 16:7; Luke 16:15).
• Fulfilled prophesies give evidence of God’s knowledge of the future. Each works to fulfill His will (Eph. 1:11).
➢ What Does This Mean for Me?
 When we need wisdom, we can turn to God, who is the source of all knowledge (James 1:5).
 Because God already knows us completely, nothing new can come to light about us that would cause Him to cast us off. Yet, He still loves us and saved us. For this reason, we can be open and honest with God about the things on our hearts.
 When we are tempted to question God (i.e. ask why He gives certain commands, why He allows certain things to happen, etc.), we must remember He is all- knowing; we are not. We can trust Him even when we do not have all the answers (Is. 55:9)!

Date of Class: 
Sunday, December 29, 2019


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