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Speaking of Covid-19

On February 28, 2020, the Lord gave me a letter of encouragement & prayer to our president Donald Trump. He replied to me & thanked me for sending the letter to him. He agreed we had a need for us to be united in our make America great again & one nation under Godly principles.                            Since then we have had to deal with the Covid-19 & all the fear, & economical disaster to our economy.,                                                                                 The more we acquire about Covid-19, the angrier we become. It is very real, however, the facts have been magnified greatly. According to the Central Disease Center, there were only 9,000 actual deaths without underling causes, that the Covid-19 killed. All the others had physical ailments that contributed to their deaths. Everything from heart attacks to kidney failure, shootings & stabbings were falsely reported.                                                                                Why? Evil people, in high places, with the finances, are using the situations  &  fear to see how much of their rights the people will give up before they start to fight back. Finally, after 6 months of quarantine, Businesses being closed down, schools & churches being shut down. We didn't expect anything like this.         We have elected members in office that are  pushing to turn our democratic nation, with the Bill of Rights, which all are guaranteed. Freedom is not freedom when one person oversteps another's freedom. They are fighting for a socialist  government.. Then you have the people who say that they want  a Muslim government. .They intend to kill all the infidels who don't convert. They are very vocal about their intentions. They don't hide their intentions.                             Our President isn't perfect. He is the best thing that has happened for the people of the United States of America since Richard Nixon.                                   We have much to pray for.  We need to unite in prayer Then Vote, Vote, 


Expire Date: 
Saturday, September 19, 2020 - 11:45pm


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