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Never Underestimate The Power of God If You Believe

A short testimony just to let you know the power of God at work in my life. I had to go to the hospital ER last night around 1am or so I could not breath, wen I got there they listened to my chest and was very concerned especially knowing I'm pron to pneumonia and did x-ray immediately. IV was started, Covid test taken, and was started on a breathing treatment. My Church family from Gospel Lighthouse Outreach started a Prayer Chain for me and the Dr. Later came in and was surprised to see that the x-rays showed absolutely clear no sign of infection or pneumonia and listens to my chest again and heard just a little bit of wheezing, he said umm it's just chest stuff, as if he couldn't believe all the positive results and I came home breathing better, still difficult, but better and had prescription for steroids. I praise the LORD for answered prayers and for a church family who knows how to get ahold of God, becuz it could have gone really bad really quick, But God... !!!

Expire Date: 
Wednesday, June 2, 2021 (All day)


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