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"The Robe of Righteousness, The Saints' Adorning" #52

Job 29:14  I put on righteousness, and it clothed me: my judgment was as a robe and a diadem.

Psa 132:16  I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy.

Isa 52:1  Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

Isa 61:10  I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.

Zec 3:4  And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.

Mat 22:11  And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:

Luk 15:22  But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:

From The Pastors:  What a day that will be when Jesus comes for all who are watching and waiting and people it won't be long! Those who are not ready will not have a robe and crown but be left behind to suffer with the sinners then will they cry unto the Lord and he will not hear...they didn't listen to Him when He called...

Mic 3:4  Then shall they cry unto the LORD, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings. (Don't let this be you thinking I got time, make it right with God while the time is now!)



Start Date: 
Friday, May 28, 2021 - 12:00pm
Expire Date: 
Saturday, June 5, 2021 - 4:00pm


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